A digression about death

Death. For some, a terrifying vision of emptiness and apathy, for others, a definite end, and for believers, a vision of heaven or hell. A topic in which everyone is entitled to a different view, but the truth is known to no one except the dead. Although, in fact, even they may be unaware of the truth.

Śmiertelność, Czaszka I Skrzyżowane Piszczele, Vanitas

Many times, together with Erevest and our friend, we talked about topics related to the absurdities of the Old and New Testaments. We have exchanged many times the different looks that came to our minds at a given moment. It was no different in this topic.

Because how to define death? From a human point of view, it will be an obvious absence of any sign of life. Logically, that is brain death, because even though the body may be "dead," as long as the brain is alive, we are alive. Here there is also a dispute between not only Catholics themselves, but people in general, regardless of religion.

Some will not mind allowing such a person to euthanize (some people would help in it for material gain), while others will even be against the will of the person who indicated that in the event of a coma, a serious illness or an accident, they do not want to live as "a vegetable". People may criticize me at this point, but if I am a veggie, I prefer to be dead and I want the right to be euthanized. For Catholics who do not like it, remain silent and leave this site, because forcing someone to live when they do not want to live in this way is nothing more than torturing them.

Going back to death now. We often ask ourselves, "What will happen after death?" And here we can list many different possibilities, but we can't say anything 100%. I had an argument once with my grandmother who is a devout Catholic on this topic. Well, the point was that she gave an example of how a person who was on the verge of death "saw" Jesus Christ, and that is undeniable evidence of God's existence and the afterlife. Then I, a man who believes that something exists, but cannot unequivocally state "what" or "who", jumped up with the argument that in different beliefs many people saw the "figure" of what he believes in and her argument is wrong. Some saw the Buddha, others saw Allah and there are  as many examples as there are religions and religious sects in the world.

What are the possibilities when death comes into our eyes? As we do not know all religions and beliefs that exist, we reply in advance that any possibility that others believe is possible. But now we will focus on the few that we spent the most time in our discussions.

-Emptiness - death is nothing else than a state of consciousness, the moment of our death causes the brain to "slow down" time. 1 second is  stretched out for e.g. 1000 years a moment, where we only see darkness, we are alone in the middle of nothing, there is no sound, image, touch, taste, smell, nothing. We feel that we are stuck in the middle of four walls of nothing until that sad end comes, when those 1000 years are over and there is nothing left.

-Nothing - we die and that's it, sad reality, but better than emptiness. We die, but our brain does not feel the special suffering that we would have to do for the example of 1,000 years.

-God and all the happy endings - that is, life after death exists. God exists, or some other deity that someone believes in. Were you a good man? That's great, you have a reward, you have eternal life. But personally, together with Erevest, we challenge the Catholic approach on this topic.
The happiness that is presented here by the Catholic Church tells us how happy we will be because God is next to us. Okay, but what about our families? Our loved ones? People we wanted to see after death, but whom we didn't get to know? According to many priests and Catholic teaching, it turns out that happiness comes only from knowing that God is with us. There is no second life in which we can combine life on a second planet in the spiritual world with the happiness that we have met God. You have God, the rest is nothing. This is just a hopeless vision of happiness...

-What if God is not good? A good life will not be rewarded? What if we didn't make a sacrifice to him, so now he'll take revenge on us and torture us? Why do people believe that the only vision of God is one in which he rewards good and punishes bad, when it may be otherwise? People are too optimistic and the reality can be harsh.


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